

Visiting Krishnapatnam harbour, India

Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Visakhapatnam.

Arriving Mumbai Airport, traveling by taxi for two entire days to get to Krishnapatnam Port. It was a journey of a lifetime as you normally dont get to see country, folks and culture when just going to a machine to do some safety inspection…

  • Training and service team establishment for dealerships in India
  • Arrangement of machine exhibition on Bauma India in 2011, safe and sound delivery, assembly and disassembling of machines, long term storage in Mumbai
  • Visitation of various running projects such as Krishnapatnam Port and other locations along the vast shores of India
  • Evaluation of large Material Handling Machines in choal discharge facilities
  • Evaluation of material handling machines in various wood processing plants
  • Commissioning and Decommissioning of exhibition stand @ India Mumbai Bauma
  • Evaluation and inspection of material handling machinery in a coal harbor @ Krishnapatnam, India
Sennebogen 880 working in Indian coal harbour

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